Spring '08 season begins soon. We will be fielding 5-6 teams: Atlas in the 1st Division, Titans in the 5th Division, A.C. Thunder and Lady Titansin the Women's Division, and Atlas Coed in
the Coed Competitive Division. Also, we'll be exploring the possibility of entering Titans Coed in the Coed Recreational Division. |
fee for the Spring season will be $80 per player. Please get the money
to me as soon as possible. You can pay me in person or online through
Pay Pal. For details on paying online, go to the Treasury
page. Also, to see how much you owe, go to the Treasury
- Debts page. |
has officially declared itself a club. We're made up of 5 teams: Atlas
in the 1st Division, Atlas Coed in the Coed Competitive Division,
Titans in the 5th
Division, and A.C. Thunder
and Lady Titans in the Women's Division. Hopefully, the creation of our clubmates,
will help generate support for all of our teams. |